Experience: Week Nine

Worked on categorical parse. Optimized the existing code and refactored a bit. There are some issues with sparse matrix but we will handle them soon. Everythings coming together!!!


Experience: Week Eight

Exciting week. We removed Load.cpp. Added new string algorithms. There were awesome discussions on IRC. It's great to be a part of this community.


Experience: Week Seven

Nearly done with removing boost::spirit. Although I need to focus more on failing test cases and make necessary changes to the code. Boost was doing a lot of work behind the scenes, it kinda a lot of work to see and replace eveything but it's fun to explore soo much code.


Experience: Week Six

This week was a lot about dealing with errors. Never thought fucntion overloading will make me go crazy like this. But well you know what mix it with C++ 11 and templates and add a small pinch of cmake, you will definitely go crazy.
